Zinc-o-fix is a self-adhesive zinc tape with an electrically conductive adhesive.
This corrosion protection tape is an innovative technology that provides active cathodic protection.
Active protection is provided by the sacrificial action of the zinc tape with high purity zinc content (>99.95%).
Thanks to the electrically conductive adhesive, which provides a reliable electrical connection between the metal surface and the zinc, the tape acts as a sacrificial galvanic anode.
Tape structure
High purity zinc strip (>99.95% zinc chemical mass)
Nominal thickness - 0.08 mm.
Glue (adhesive) thickness 0,025 ÷ 0,40 mm
Siliconized paper.
Special advantages
Provides active and passive protection.
Does not require cathodic protection costs.
Suitable for use in sea and fresh water.
Requires minimal surface preparation.
Protected surface does not need anti-corrosion maintenance for 15-20 years.
Easy to paint and putty.
Withstands long-term operating temperatures up to +80°C (briefly up to +120°C).
Provides 100% protection against sunlight, water vapor, snow, frost, acid rain and chemical vapors.
Much more durable than hot or cold galvanized coatings.
Easy to apply.
Area of application
Oil and gas industry
Oil and gas pipelines and pipes installed off-ground.
Aboveground refinery equipment and components.
Aboveground pipes, pipe systems, pipe bundles, insulated cables and support columns.
Tanks, pipelines, activated carbon filters, aqueducts.
Offshore facilities
(Off-shore facilities, offshore structures, offshore platforms, harbor facilities, wharves, piers,
pier supports, ship-to-shore fluid transfer lines, in-water catwalks, buoys.
Shore protection of rivers, lakes and other water bodies and water intakes.
Energy sector
Nuclear power plants (NPPs), thermal power plants (TPPs), combined heat and power plants (CHPPs), hydroelectric power plants (HPPs).
Utility industry
Lighting and traction poles, railings, outdoor steel structures, municipal water utilities.
Transportation engineering
In the automotive and railcar industry, protection of window frames, chassis, roofs and other areas, hinges and doors of the vehicle or other special "hot spots" where water can seep in.